Sky Translation Studio. 本翻译工作室为团队合作模式,团队成员长期从事笔译口译工作,拥有丰富的翻译经验,主要口译服务区域赣州、广州、上海,曾为多家大型企业担任商务口译,以及大型展会提供陪同翻译。本人为团队管理,性格外向随和,与各国友人(美国,英国,加拿大,泰国,非洲,印度等)都能愉快沟通,另外坚持匠人精神,给予顾客一系列完善服务,英语专业八级,雅思7.0,托福95分,提供**专业的语言输出!笔译:80-150/千字(根据难度不同有所差别),口译:/小时。如需合作,请提前预约档期,谢谢。期待与您合作! Experience (1) Location Ganzhou. Type Interpretation. The country of our customers Holland. The primary mission Interpretation of utilization of flowers. (2) Location Guangzhou. Type Interpretation. The country of our customers America. The primary mission Interpretation of utilization of construction industry. (3) Location Ganzhou. Type Interpretation. The country of our customers Germany. The primary mission Interpretation of automotive industry. (4) Location Shenzhen. Type Interpretation. The country of our customers England. The primary mission Interpretation of veterinary nursing. 联系我时,请说是在114黄页信息网看到的,谢谢!